Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
1 × Ireland
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
M.Marchesi G.Concas G.Destefanis A.Murgia S.Counsell M.Ortu B.Adams P.Tourani J.McFall S.Swift
Talks about:
fan (4) studi (3) empir (3) refactor (2) out (2) relationship (1) product (1) pattern (1) context (1) analysi (1)
Person: Roberto Tonelli
DBLP: Tonelli:Roberto
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- MSR-2015-OrtuADTMT #effectiveness #empirical
- Are Bullies More Productive? Empirical Study of Affectiveness vs. Issue Fixing Time (MO, BA, GD, PT, MM, RT), pp. 303–313.
- CSMR-2012-MurgiaTMCCMS #empirical #refactoring
- Refactoring and its Relationship with Fan-in and Fan-out: An Empirical Study (AM, RT, MM, GC, SC, JM, SS), pp. 63–72.
- SAC-2012-DestefanisTCM #analysis #anti #java #scalability
- An analysis of anti-micro-patterns effects on fault-proneness in large Java systems (GD, RT, GC, MM), pp. 1251–1253.
- WCRE-2011-MurgiaTCCM #empirical #refactoring
- An Empirical Study of Refactoring in the Context of FanIn and FanOut Coupling (AM, RT, SC, GC, MM), pp. 372–376.