Collaborated with:
C.Mei J.Quarles Anjana Chatta Tyler Hurst G.Samaraweera Michael Isaza J.Zhang Karis Kim N.Murphy Devan Patel Drew Savas Derek Martin
Talks about:
virtual (3) environ (3) game (3) sedentari (2) exergam (2) studi (2) case (2) stereoscop (1) cybersick (1) spectrum (1)
Person: Rongkai Guo
DBLP: Guo:Rongkai
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- VS-Games-2013-GuoQ #case study #game studies
- Converting Sedentary Games to Exergames: A Case Study with a Car Racing Game (RG, JQ), pp. 1–8.
- CHI-PLAY-2015-ChattaHSGQ #approach #game studies
- Get off the Couch: An Approach to Utilize Sedentary Commercial Games as Exergames (AC, TH, GS, RG, JQ), pp. 47–56.
- VS-Games-2018-MeiG #adaptation
- Enable an Innovative Prolonged Exposure Therapy of Attention Deficits on Autism Spectrum through Adaptive Virtual Environments (CM, RG), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2018-MurphyPSMMG
- Recreating Virtual Environments from User Traffic Pattern (NM, DP, DS, DM, CM, RG), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2019-IsazaZKMG #artificial reality #case study
- Mono-Stereoscopic Camera in a Virtual Reality Environment: Case Study in Cybersickness (MI, JZ, KK, CM, RG), pp. 1–4.