Travelled to:
1 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Walfish B.Braun A.J.Feldman Z.Ren A.J.Blumberg P.Mahajan S.Lee A.Clement L.Alvisi M.Dahlin C.Hawblitzel J.Howell M.Kapritsos J.R.Lorch B.Parno M.L.Roberts B.Zill
Talks about:
distribut (1) practic (1) correct (1) verifi (1) system (1) storag (1) comput (1) trust (1) state (1) prove (1)
Person: Srinath T. V. Setty
DBLP: Setty:Srinath_T=_V=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SOSP-2015-HawblitzelHKLPR #distributed #named #proving
- IronFleet: proving practical distributed systems correct (CH, JH, MK, JRL, BP, MLR, STVS, BZ), pp. 1–17.
- SOSP-2013-BraunFRSBW #verification
- Verifying computations with state (BB, AJF, ZR, STVS, AJB, MW), pp. 341–357.
- OSDI-2010-MahajanSLCADW #named #trust
- Depot: Cloud Storage with Minimal Trust (PM, STVS, SL, AC, LA, MD, MW), pp. 307–322.