Travelled to:
1 × Russia
Collaborated with:
K.Sen T.G.Brutch S.Gibbs
Talks about:
javascript (2) framework (2) jalangi (2) analysi (2) select (2) replay (2) record (2) dynam (2) concol (1) tool (1)
Person: Swaroop Kalasapur
DBLP: Kalasapur:Swaroop
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2013-SenKBG #dynamic analysis #framework #javascript #named
- Jalangi: a selective record-replay and dynamic analysis framework for JavaScript (KS, SK, TGB, SG), pp. 488–498.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-SenKBG13a #dynamic analysis #framework #javascript #named #testing
- Jalangi: a tool framework for concolic testing, selective record-replay, and dynamic analysis of JavaScript (KS, SK, TGB, SG), pp. 615–618.