Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
A.P.d.Vries H.Mühleisen J.Lin M.C.Traub J.v.Ossenbruggen L.Hardman H.C.Huurdeman A.Ben-David J.Kamps A.Bellogín A.Said J.He
Talks about:
web (3) unarchiv (2) prototyp (2) retriev (2) column (2) store (2) bias (2) crowdsourc (1) querylog (1) contextu (1)
Person: Thaer Samar
DBLP: Samar:Thaer
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ECIR-2014-BelloginSVS #challenge #dataset #evaluation #web
- Challenges on Combining Open Web and Dataset Evaluation Results: The Case of the Contextual Suggestion Track (AB, TS, APdV, AS), pp. 430–436.
- ECIR-2014-MuhleisenSLV #information retrieval #prototype
- Column Stores as an IR Prototyping Tool (HM, TS, JL, APdV), pp. 789–792.
- JCDL-2014-HuurdemanBKSV #web
- Finding pages on the unarchived Web (HCH, ABD, JK, TS, APdV), pp. 331–340.
- SIGIR-2014-MuhleisenSLV #information retrieval #prototype
- Old dogs are great at new tricks: column stores for ir prototyping (HM, TS, JL, APdV), pp. 863–866.
- SIGIR-2014-SamarHBKV #web
- Uncovering the unarchived web (TS, HCH, ABD, JK, APdV), pp. 1199–1202.
- JCDL-2016-TraubSOHVH #assessment #bias #corpus #scalability
- Querylog-based Assessment of Retrievability Bias in a Large Newspaper Corpus (MCT, TS, JvO, JH, APdV, LH), pp. 7–16.
- JCDL-2018-TraubSOH #bias #crowdsourcing
- Impact of Crowdsourcing OCR Improvements on Retrievability Bias (MCT, TS, JvO, LH), pp. 29–36.