Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Dony M.Huchard C.Tibermacine
Talks about:
featur (2) model (2) implement (1) generat (1) diagram (1) context (1) specif (1) profil (1) driven (1) design (1)
Person: Thibaut Possompès
DBLP: Possomp=egrave=s:Thibaut
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SEKE-2013-PossompesDHT #feature model #generative #modelling
- Model-Driven Generation of Context-Specific Feature Models (TP, CD, MH, CT), pp. 250–255.
- SEKE-2011-PossompesDHT #design #diagrams #feature model #implementation #uml
- Design of a UML profile for feature diagrams and its tooling implementation (TP, CD, MH, CT), pp. 693–698.