Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Marinescu S.Shaikh N.Webb M.Osborn J.P.Carballo H.Hardy N.Shimizu T.Liu X.Zhang G.B.Wise Rosa Mikeal Martey Adrienne Shaw Jennifer Stromer-Galley Kate Kenski Benjamin A. Clegg James E. Folkestad Emilie T. Saulnier
Talks about:
document (2) retriev (2) classif (2) preliminari (1) discours (1) librari (1) languag (1) dialogu (1) databas (1) concept (1)
Person: Tomek Strzalkowski
DBLP: Strzalkowski:Tomek
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- KDIR-2011-ShaikhSW #classification #multi
- Classification of Dialogue Acts in Urdu Multi-party Discourse (SS, TS, NW), pp. 406–412.
- SIGIR-2002-HardySSTZW #classification #concept #summary
- Cross-document summarization by concept classification (HH, NS, TS, TL, XZ, GBW), pp. 121–128.
- CIKM-1997-OsbornSM #database #documentation #retrieval
- Evaluating Document Retrieval in Patent Database: A Preliminary Report (MO, TS, MM), pp. 216–221.
- DL-1996-StrzalkowskiCM #information retrieval #library #natural language
- Natural Language Information Retrieval In Digital Libraries (TS, JPC, MM), pp. 117–125.
- DiGRA-2014-MarteySSKCFSS #bias #game studies #power of #testing
- Testing the Power of Game Lessons: The Effects of Art and Narrative on Reducing Cognitive Biases (RMM, AS, JSG, KK, BAC, JEF, ETS, TS).