Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Freitag S.Brass
Talks about:
semant (2) found (2) well (2) differenti (1) transform (1) stratifi (1) modular (1) flexibl (1) databas (1) ground (1)
Person: Ulrich Zukowski
DBLP: Zukowski:Ulrich
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICLP-1999-ZukowskiF #semantics
- Well-founded Semantics by Transformation: The Non-ground Case (UZ, BF), pp. 456–470.
- ICLP-1997-ZukowskiF #bottom-up #difference #semantics
- Differential Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Semantics (UZ, BF, SB), p. 421.
- JICSLP-1996-ZukowskiF #database #evaluation #flexibility #query
- Adding Flexibility to Query Evaluation for Modularly Stratified Databases (UZ, BF), pp. 304–318.