Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
A.K.Kehoe B.N.Smith M.Singh W.Zhou C.T.Yu N.R.Smalheiser J.Hong
Talks about:
literatur (1) knowledg (1) conceptu (1) approach (1) abstract (1) subject (1) similar (1) retriev (1) predict (1) extract (1)
Person: Vetle I. Torvik
DBLP: Torvik:Vetle_I=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SIGIR-2007-ZhouYSTH #concept #retrieval
- Knowledge-intensive conceptual retrieval and passage extraction of biomedical literature (WZ, CTY, NRS, VIT, JH), pp. 655–662.
- JCDL-2013-SmithST #approach #gender
- A search engine approach to estimating temporal changes in gender orientation of first names (BNS, MS, VIT), pp. 199–208.
- JCDL-2016-KehoeT #predict #similarity
- Predicting Medical Subject Headings Based on Abstract Similarity and Citations to MEDLINE Records (AKK, VIT), pp. 167–170.