Collaborated with:
Jia-Ju Bai J.Lawall Shi-Min Hu 0001 Yu-Ping Wang Xu-Qiang Hu Zi-Xin Zou G.Tan
Talks about:
polymorph (1) conserv (1) subtyp (1) object (1) method (1) kernel (1) effici (1) detect (1) defect (1) sleep (1)
Person: Wende Tan
DBLP: Tan:Wende
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- OOPSLA-2019-WangHZTT #named #performance #polymorphism #type system
- IVT: an efficient method for sharing subtype polymorphic objects (YPW, XQH, ZXZ, WT, GT), p. 22.
- ASPLOS-2019-BaiLTH #automation #detection #fault #kernel #linux #named
- DCNS: Automated Detection Of Conservative Non-Sleep Defects in the Linux Kernel (JJB, JL, WT, SMH0), pp. 287–299.