Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Schade S.Field C.Facciorusso H.Ludwig M.Stolze
Talks about:
framework (1) distribut (1) contractu (1) criteria (1) contract (1) virtual (1) organis (1) flexibl (1) facilit (1) system (1)
Person: Yigal Hoffner
DBLP: Hoffner:Yigal
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- EDOC-2004-HoffnerFF #flexibility #type system
- Strong and Flexible Domain Typing for Dynamic E-Business (YH, SF, CF), pp. 98–107.
- PDP-2001-LudwigH #distributed #framework #integration #named
- CRAFT: A Framework for Integration Facilitation in Cross-Organisational Distributed Systems (HL, YH), pp. 317–326.
- ECDL-1998-FieldFHSS #design
- Design Criteria for a Virtual Market Place (ViMP) (SF, CF, YH, AS, MS), pp. 819–832.
- EDOC-1998-HoffnerS #contract
- Co-operation, contracts, contractual match-making and binding (YH, AS), pp. 75–86.