7 papers:
CBSE-2008-MartinezDPM #component #distributed #named #realtime- Ada-CCM: Component-Based Technology for Distributed Real-Time Systems (PLM, JMD, PP, JLM), pp. 334–350.
QoSA-2006-Grunske #component #evaluation #integration #safety #standard #towards- Towards an Integration of Standard Component-Based Safety Evaluation Techniques with SaveCCM (LG), pp. 199–213.
SAC-2005-GorappaK #distributed #embedded #empirical #evaluation #realtime- Empirical evaluation of OpenCCM for Java-based distributed, real-time, and embedded systems (SG, RK), pp. 1288–1292.
TestCom-2004-BatteramHRHRV #component #implementation #open source #testing #tool support- Implementation of an Open Source Toolset for CCM Components and Systems Testing (HJB, WH, WAR, AH, AR, AV), pp. 1–16.
EDOC-2003-BelaundeBP #component #framework #implementation- Implementing EDOC business components on top of a CCM platform (MB, JB, THP), pp. 208–221.
EDOC-2003-KathSBRBFH #framework #modelling- An Open Modeling Infrastructure integrating EDOC and CCM (OK, MS, MB, TR, AB, MF, CH), pp. 198–207.
FASE-2002-BelaundeP #component #precise #specification- From EDOC Components to CCM Components: A Precise Mapping Specification (MB, MP), pp. 143–158.