10 papers:
ICPR-2014-BiswasZLMV #analysis #detection #image #using- Lesion Detection in Breast Ultrasound Images Using Tissue Transition Analysis (SB, FZ, XL, RM, VV), pp. 1185–1188.
ICPR-2014-VuEIYY #image #using- Segmenting Reddish Lesions in Capsule Endoscopy Images Using a Gastrointestinal Color Space (HV, TE, YI, YY, YY), pp. 3263–3268.
ICPR-2012-MujumdarVK #framework #multi #novel #segmentation #using- A novel framework for segmentation of stroke lesions in Diffusion Weighted MRI using multiple b-value data (SM, RV, LTK), pp. 3762–3765.
SAC-2012-YuHJSLH #novel #programming #segmentation- A novel segmentation method for convex lesions based on dynamic programming with local intra-class variance (MY, QH, RJ, ES, HL, CCH), pp. 39–44.
SAC-2011-OsborneGCAZ #classification- Machine classification of melanoma and nevi from skin lesions (JDO, SG, WbC, AA, CZ), pp. 100–105.
ICPR-2010-MilitzerHJTH #automation #detection #image #segmentation- Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Focal Liver Lesions in Contrast Enhanced CT Images (AM, TH, FJ, CT, JH), pp. 2524–2527.
SAC-2009-HabbalMMK #automation- Automated device for determination of skin lesion regions (MEH, MEM, OM, AIK), pp. 859–860.
ICPR-v3-2006-HarmoucheCAFA #classification #modelling- Bayesian MS Lesion Classification Modeling Regional and Local Spatial Information (RH, DLC, DLA, SJF, TA), pp. 984–987.
ICPR-v4-2006-MacenkoCM #detection #segmentation #using- Lesion Detection Using Morphological Watershed Segmentation and Modelbased Inverse Filtering (MM, MC, LM), pp. 679–682.
KDD-1999-MegalooikonomouDH #database #image #mining- Mining Lesion-Deficit Associations in a Brain Image Database (VM, CD, EH), pp. 347–351.