9 papers:
ESEC-FSE-2015-SmithBGB #automation #program repair- Is the cure worse than the disease? overfitting in automated program repair (EKS, ETB, CLG, YB), pp. 532–543.
DocEng-2014-LimaBFFLSR #graph- Transforming graph-based sentence representations to alleviate overfitting in relation extraction (RJL, JB, RF, FF, RDL, SJS, MR), pp. 53–62.
KDD-2014-XieGFTY- Class-distribution regularized consensus maximization for alleviating overfitting in model combination (SX, JG, WF, DST, PSY), pp. 303–312.
MLDM-2013-PrieditisS #lazy evaluation- Lazy Overfitting Control (AP, SS), pp. 481–491.
KDD-2006-WangYPYY #concept #data type #mining- Suppressing model overfitting in mining concept-drifting data streams (HW, JY, JP, PSY, JXY), pp. 736–741.
ICML-2005-BridewellALT #induction #process- Reducing overfitting in process model induction (WB, NBA, PL, LT), pp. 81–88.
ICML-2000-Domingos #classification #problem- Bayesian Averaging of Classifiers and the Overfitting Problem (PMD), pp. 223–230.
ICML-1997-Ng- Preventing “Overfitting” of Cross-Validation Data (AYN), pp. 245–253.
KDD-1995-KohaviS #set #using- Feature Subset Selection Using the Wrapper Method: Overfitting and Dynamic Search Space Topology (RK, DS), pp. 192–197.