5 papers:
POPL-2013-HoborV #data type- The ramifications of sharing in data structures (AH, JV), pp. 523–536.
ICSE-2011-WilliamsW #contract #re-engineering #research- The American law institute’s principles on software contracts and their ramifications for software engineering research (JBW, JHWJ), pp. 972–975.
KR-2010-BaumannBSTZ #calculus- State Defaults and Ramifications in the Unifying Action Calculus (RB, GB, HS, MT, VZ).
KR-1996-Giunchiglia #calculus- Determining Ramifications in the Situation Calculus (EG), pp. 76–86.
KR-1996-Sandewall #constraints- Assessments of Ramification Methods that Use Static Domain Constraints (ES), pp. 99–110.