6 papers:
ICSE-v2-2015-VasquezCAP #automation #commit #generative #named- ChangeScribe: A Tool for Automatically Generating Commit Messages (MLV, LFCC, JA, DP), pp. 709–712.
ICPR-2014-Dahllof #classification- Scribe Attribution for Early Medieval Handwriting by Means of Letter Extraction and Classification and a Voting Procedure for Larger Pieces (MD), pp. 1910–1915.
ICSE-2011-SunGW #approach #evolution #named- MT-Scribe: an end-user approach to automate software model evolution (YS, JG, JW), pp. 980–982.
CHI-2010-Sarcevic #quote- “Who’s scribing?”: documenting patient encounter during trauma resuscitation (AS), pp. 1899–1908.
ICPR-2010-GilliamWC #identification- Scribe Identification in Medieval English Manuscripts (TG, RCW, JAC), pp. 1880–1883.
AdaEurope-1999-Kordon #ada- MetaScribe, an Ada-based Tool for the Construction of Transformation Engines (FK), pp. 308–319.