5 papers:
CAV-1999-Schumann #analysis #authentication #automation #named #protocol- PIL/SETHEO: A Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Authentication Protocols (JS), pp. 500–504.
CADE-1997-FischerS #re-engineering #reuse- SETHEO Goes Software Engineering: Application of ATP to Software Reuse (BF, JS), pp. 65–68.
CADE-1997-Schumann #automation #encryption #protocol #verification- Automatic Verification of Cryptographic Protocols with SETHEO (JS), pp. 87–100.
CADE-1997-WolfS #named #natural language #proving- ILF-SETHEO: Processing Model Elimination Proofs for Natural Language Output (AW, JS), pp. 61–64.
CADE-1994-GollerLMS- SETHEO V3.2: Recent Developments — System Abstract (CG, RL, KM, JS), pp. 778–782.