8 papers:
KR-2014-BaazEV #logic- Vienna Summer of Logic (MB, TE, HV).
CSCW-2011-WagnerT #design #multi- The multidisciplinary design group in Vienna (IW, HT), pp. 497–504.
ICSE-2003-OberleitnerGJ #component #composition #framework #modelling- The Vienna Component Framework Enabling Composition Across Component Models (JO, TG, MJ), pp. 25–37.
HCI-CC-1997-KorunkaZV #implementation- The Second Vienna Implementation Study. II. An Integrative Model (CK, SZ, OV), pp. 387–390.
HCI-CC-1997-ZauchnerKVW #implementation- The Second Vienna Implementation Study: I. Contextual Factors Modifying the Effects of Continuous Implementations of Information Technology (SZ, CK, OV, AW), pp. 383–386.
ICLP-1995-KrallB #automaton #compilation #incremental #prolog- Incremental Global Compilation of Prolog with the Vienna Abstract Machine (AK, TB), pp. 333–347.
VLDB-1993-StonebrakerADNR #research- DBMS Research at a Crossroads: The Vienna Update (MS, RA, UD, EJN, AR), pp. 688–692.
PLILP-1990-KrallN #automaton- The Vienna Abstract Machine (AK, UN), pp. 121–135.