Hao Henry Zhou, Yilin Zhang, Vamsi K. Ithapu, Sterling C. Johnson, Grace Wahba, Vikas Singh
When can Multi-Site Datasets be Pooled for Regression? Hypothesis Tests, l₂-consistency and Neuroscience Applications
ICML, 2017.
author = "Hao Henry Zhou and Yilin Zhang and Vamsi K. Ithapu and Sterling C. Johnson and Grace Wahba and Vikas Singh",
booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning}",
ee = "http://proceedings.mlr.press/v70/zhou17c.html",
pages = "4170--4179",
publisher = "{PMLR}",
title = "{When can Multi-Site Datasets be Pooled for Regression? Hypothesis Tests, l₂-consistency and Neuroscience Applications}",
year = 2017,