Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
T.Burris B.Shah T.L.P.Venkatesan L.Velusamy M.Gupta M.Degerattu P.Bjellerup K.J.Cama M.Desikan Y.Guo J.C.Lai N.Lethif J.Lu M.Topkara S.H.Wissel
Talks about:
icollabor (1) enterpris (1) seamless (1) calendar (1) harvest (1) falcon (1) access (1) inbox (1) valu (1) usag (1)
Person: Ajinkya Kale
DBLP: Kale:Ajinkya
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CIKM-2010-BjellerupCDGKLLLTW #named
- FALCON: seamless access to meeting data from the inbox and calendar (PB, KJC, MD, YG, AK, JCL, NL, JL, MT, SHW), pp. 1951–1952.
- SIGIR-2010-KaleBSVVGD #enterprise #named #web
- iCollaborate: harvesting value from enterprise web usage (AK, TB, BS, TLPV, LV, MG, MD), p. 699.