Collaborated with:
S.Ertel J.Castrillón J.Adam A.Brauckmann N.A.Rink
Talks about:
compil (2) code (2) represent (1) parallel (1) dataflow (1) composit (1) foundat (1) thread (1) effici (1) concis (1)
Person: Andrés Goens
DBLP: Goens:Andr=eacute=s
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- Haskell-2019-ErtelARGC #composition #concurrent #data flow #monad #named #parallel #thread
- STCLang: state thread composition as a foundation for monadic dataflow parallelism (SE, JA, NAR, AG, JC), pp. 146–161.
- CC-2018-ErtelGAC #compilation #performance
- Compiling for concise code and efficient I/O (SE, AG, JA, JC), pp. 104–115.
- CC-2020-BrauckmannGEC #graph #learning #modelling
- Compiler-based graph representations for deep learning models of code (AB, AG, SE, JC), pp. 201–211.