Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × Poland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
U.Sattler M.Horridge B.C.Grau E.Sirin P.Klinov T.Schneider S.Bail R.S.Gonçalves E.Ruckhaus V.Kolovski A.Kalyanpur
Talks about:
ontolog (6) logic (3) owl (3) modular (2) justif (2) probabilist (1) categoris (1) structur (1) descript (1) approach (1)
Person: Bijan Parsia
DBLP: Parsia:Bijan
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CIKM-2013-BailPS #logic #ontology #owl
- The logical diversity of explanations in OWL ontologies (SB, BP, US), pp. 559–568.
- KR-2012-HorridgePS #ontology
- Justification Masking in Ontologies (MH, BP, US).
- CADE-2011-KlinovP #hybrid #probability #satisfiability
- A Hybrid Method for Probabilistic Satisfiability (PK, BP), pp. 354–368.
- CIKM-2011-GoncalvesPS #categorisation #difference #logic #ontology #owl
- Categorising logical differences between OWL ontologies (RSG, BP, US), pp. 1541–1546.
- KR-2010-HorridgeP #ontology #proving #towards
- From Justifications Towards Proofs for Ontology Engineering (MH, BP).
- KR-2010-ParsiaS #composition #empirical #ontology
- The Modular Structure of an Ontology: An Empirical Study (BP, TS).
- ICLP-2006-RuckhausKPG #approach #datalog #owl
- Integrating Datalog with OWL: Exploring the AL-log Approach (ER, VK, BP, BCG), pp. 455–456.
- KR-2006-GrauPSK #composition #ontology #web
- Modularity and Web Ontologies (BCG, BP, ES, AK), pp. 198–209.
- KR-2006-SirinGP #logic #optimisation #reasoning
- From Wine to Water: Optimizing Description Logic Reasoning for Nominals (ES, BCG, BP), pp. 90–99.