Travelled to:
1 × Poland
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
3 × France
Collaborated with:
L.Amanton A.Berred M.Abdouli R.Bouaziz C.Duvallet M.Kaddes J.Haubert S.Saad-Bouzefrane N.Louati S.Semghouni N.Idoudi F.Gargouri
Talks about:
time (6) real (6) transact (4) distribut (3) success (3) databas (3) ratio (3) structur (2) behavior (2) enhanc (2)
Person: Bruno Sadeg
DBLP: Sadeg:Bruno
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICEIS-v1-2014-KaddesASBAB #behaviour #transaction
- Behavioral Study of Nested Transaction Success Ratio (MK, LA, BS, AB, MA, RB), pp. 179–186.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-KaddesABSA #policy
- Enhancement of Generalized Earliest Deadline First Policy (MK, LA, AB, BS, MA), pp. 231–238.
- ICEIS-v1-2012-LouatiBDS #behaviour #database #modelling #realtime
- Modeling Structural, Temporal and Behavioral Features of a Real-Time Database (NL, RB, CD, BS), pp. 119–125.
- ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-IdoudiDSBG #database #realtime
- Structural Model of Real-Time Databases (NI, CD, BS, RB, FG), pp. 319–324.
- SAC-2006-SemghouniSAB #probability #realtime #transaction
- Stochastic study of real-time transactions success ratio (SS, BS, LA, AB), pp. 513–514.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-AbdouliSAB #distributed #realtime #transaction
- Enhancing the Success Ratio of Distributed Real-Time Nested Transactions (MA, BS, LA, AB), pp. 233–240.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-AmantonSH #database #distributed #precise #realtime
- Tradding Precision for Timeliness in Distributed Real-Time Databases (LA, BS, JH), pp. 558–561.
- ICEIS-2002-SadegSA #distributed #named #protocol #realtime #transaction
- D-ANTICIP: A Protocol Suitable for Distributed Real-Time Transactions (BS, SSB, LA), pp. 171–178.