Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
B.Freisleben J.Gllavata
Talks about:
document (2) express (2) path (2) xml (2) use (2) customiz (1) program (1) orient (1) filter (1) detect (1)
Person: Ermir Qeli
DBLP: Qeli:Ermir
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DocEng-2006-QeliF #aspect-oriented #documentation #programming #using #xml #xpath
- Filtering XML documents using XPath expressions and aspect-oriented programming (EQ, BF), pp. 85–87.
- DocEng-2006-QeliGF #detection #documentation #using #xml #xpath
- Customizable detection of changes for XML documents using XPath expressions (EQ, JG, BF), pp. 88–90.