Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
A.Ríos R.Nederpelt M.Ayala-Rincón F.Monin J.B.Wells D.Plump T.Laan R.Bloo G.Barthe
Talks about:
substitut (4) explicit (4) calculus (2) reduct (2) bruijn (2) barendregt (1) function (1) formalis (1) preserv (1) paramet (1)
Person: Fairouz Kamareddine
DBLP: Kamareddine:Fairouz
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- RTA-2003-WellsPK #diagrams
- Diagrams for Meaning Preservation (JBW, DP, FK), pp. 88–106.
- FLOPS-2001-KamareddineLN #parametricity #using
- Refining the Barendregt Cube Using Parameters (FK, TL, RN), pp. 375–390.
- PPDP-2001-KamareddineBN #equivalence #syntax
- De Bruijn’s Syntax and Reductional Equivalence of λ-Terms (FK, RB, RN), pp. 16–27.
- PPDP-2000-Ayala-RinconK #unification
- Unification via se-style of explicit substitution (MAR, FK), pp. 163–174.
- PPDP-1999-KamareddineM #on the #proving #recursion #termination
- On Formalised Proofs of Termination of Recursive Functions (FK, FM), pp. 29–46.
- ALP-1997-BartheKR #λ-calculus
- Explicit Substitutions for the λ-Calculus (GB, FK, AR), pp. 209–223.
- PLILP-1996-KamareddineR
- Generalized β-Reduction and Explicit Substitution (FK, AR), pp. 378–392.
- PLILP-1995-KamareddineR #λ-calculus
- A λ-calculus à la de Bruijn with Explicit Substitutions (FK, AR), pp. 45–62.