Travelled to:
1 × Poland
1 × South Korea
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
F.Loulergue T.Pinsard R.M.Amadio
Talks about:
section (2) thread (2) escap (2) nest (2) atom (2) synchron (1) calculus (1) reactiv (1) feasibl (1) definit (1)
Person: Frédéric Dabrowski
DBLP: Dabrowski:Fr=eacute=d=eacute=ric
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SAC-2015-DabrowskiLP #compilation #concurrent #thread
- Nested atomic sections with thread escape: compilation (FD, FL, TP), pp. 2099–2106.
- SAC-2014-DabrowskiLP #concurrent #thread
- Nested atomic sections with thread escape: a formal definition (FD, FL, TP), pp. 1585–1592.
- PPDP-2007-AmadioD #π-calculus
- Feasible reactivity in a synchronous π-calculus (RMA, FD), pp. 221–230.