Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
Collaborated with:
A.D.Bimbo I.Masi F.Pernici A.D.Bagdanov F.Dini F.Bartoli S.Karaman
Talks about:
detect (3) multi (2) face (2) unsupervis (1) pedestrian (1) geometr (1) context (1) tempor (1) sensor (1) person (1)
Person: Giuseppe Lisanti
DBLP: Lisanti:Giuseppe
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICPR-2014-BartoliLKBB #adaptation #detection #multi #performance
- Unsupervised Scene Adaptation for Faster Multi-scale Pedestrian Detection (FB, GL, SK, ADB, ADB), pp. 3534–3539.
- ICPR-2012-BagdanovBLM #detection #multi
- Multi-pose face detection for accurate face logging (ADB, ADB, GL, IM), pp. 2448–2451.
- ICPR-2010-BimboDLP #locality
- Sensor Fusion for Cooperative Head Localization (ADB, FD, GL, FP), pp. 384–387.
- ICPR-2010-BimboLMP #detection #geometry #using
- Person Detection Using Temporal and Geometric Context with a Pan Tilt Zoom Camera (ADB, GL, IM, FP), pp. 3886–3889.