Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Saxena K.P.Leela J.Ajmera S.Mukherjee M.Parsana A.Agarwal K.P.Chitrapura S.Garg P.K.GM C.Haty A.Roy A.Sasturkar
Talks about:
web (2) structur (1) parallel (1) corpora (1) anticip (1) tempor (1) spatio (1) search (1) normal (1) length (1)
Person: Hema Swetha Koppula
DBLP: Koppula:Hema_Swetha
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICML-c3-2013-KoppulaS #detection #learning #process
- Learning Spatio-Temporal Structure from RGB-D Videos for Human Activity Detection and Anticipation (HSK, AS), pp. 792–800.
- CIKM-2010-AjmeraKLMP #corpus #parallel #web
- Alignment of short length parallel corpora with an application to web search (JA, HSK, KPL, SM, MP), pp. 1477–1480.
- CIKM-2009-AgarwalKLCGGHRS #normalisation #web
- URL normalization for de-duplication of web pages (AA, HSK, KPL, KPC, SG, PKG, CH, AR, AS), pp. 1987–1990.