Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
H.Takemura N.Yokoya M.Kanbara N.Aihara R.Funayama T.Kawanishi K.Yamazawa Y.Tatsuno S.Suzuki
Talks about:
imag (4) use (3) omnidirect (2) stereo (2) facial (2) rang (2) base (2) constraint (1) synthesi (1) resolut (1)
Person: Hidehiko Iwasa
DBLP: Iwasa:Hidehiko
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICPR-v4-2000-KanbaraTYI #artificial reality
- A Stereo Vision-Based Augmented Reality System with a Wide Range of Registration (MK, HT, NY, HI), pp. 4147–4151.
- ICPR-1998-AiharaIYT #image #self #using
- Memory-based self-localization using omnidirectional images (NA, HI, NY, HT), pp. 1799–1803.
- ICPR-1998-KawanishiYITY #generative #image #using
- Generation of high-resolution stereo panoramic images by omnidirectional imaging sensor using hexagonal pyramidal mirrors (TK, KY, HI, HT, NY), pp. 485–489.
- ICPR-1996-FunayamaYIT #component #constraints
- Facial component extraction by cooperative active nets with global constraints (RF, NY, HI, HT), pp. 300–304.
- ICPR-1996-TatsunoSYIT #analysis #image #synthesis #using
- Analysis and synthesis of six primary facial expressions using range images (YT, SS, NY, HI, HT), pp. 489–493.