Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × France
1 × Ireland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Badishi R.Melamed D.Dolev Alexander Spiegelman G.Golan-Gueta M.Silberstein B.Ford E.Witchel R.Khazan N.A.Lynch A.A.Shvartsman Noam Shalev Eran Harpaz Hagar Porat Y.Weinsberg
Talks about:
system (2) peer (2) unstructur (1) increment (1) transact (1) techniqu (1) structur (1) surpris (1) overlay (1) librari (1)
Person: Idit Keidar
DBLP: Keidar:Idit
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ASPLOS-2013-SilbersteinFKW #file system #named
- GPUfs: integrating a file system with GPUs (MS, BF, IK, EW), pp. 485–498.
- SAC-2008-BadishiK #adaptation #using
- Improving denial of service resistance using dynamic local adaptations (GB, IK), pp. 2212–2218.
- SAC-2006-KeidarM #peer-to-peer
- Evaluating unstructured peer-to-peer lookup overlays (IK, RM), pp. 675–679.
- ICSE-2000-KeidarKLS #incremental #proving #simulation
- An inheritance-based technique for building simulation proofs incrementally (IK, RK, NAL, AAS), pp. 478–487.
- PODS-1995-KeidarD #commit
- Increasing the Resilience of Atomic Commit at No Additional Cost (IK, DD), pp. 245–254.
- PLDI-2016-SpiegelmanGK #data type #library #transaction
- Transactional data structure libraries (AS, GGG, IK), pp. 682–696.
- ASPLOS-2016-ShalevHPKW #named #operating system
- CSR: Core Surprise Removal in Commodity Operating Systems (NS, EH, HP, IK, YW), pp. 773–787.