Collaborated with:
M.E.Graham J.M.Boardman C.C.Venters R.J.Hartley
Talks about:
retriev (2) system (2) imag (2) trademark (1) interfac (1) content (1) evalu (1) user (1) base (1)
Person: John P. Eakins
DBLP: Eakins:John_P=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ACIR-1997-EakinsGB #evaluation #image #retrieval
- Evaluation of a Trademark Image Retrieval System (JPE, MEG, JMB).
- ACIR-1997-VentersEH #image #retrieval #user interface
- The User Interface and Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems (CCV, JPE, RJH).