Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
B.Gramlich F.Schernhammer
Talks about:
unravel (2) condit (2) sound (2) determinist (1) system (1) rewrit (1)
Person: Karl Gmeiner
DBLP: Gmeiner:Karl
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- RTA-2012-GmeinerGS #on the #term rewriting
- On Soundness Conditions for Unraveling Deterministic Conditional Rewrite Systems (KG, BG, FS), pp. 193–208.
- RTA-2010-GmeinerGS #on the
- On (Un)Soundness of Unravelings (KG, BG, FS), pp. 119–134.