Collaborated with:
J.M.Hellerstein C.Ré F.Schoppmann D.Z.Wang E.Fratkin A.Gorajek C.Welton X.Feng K.Li A.Kumar
Talks about:
librari (1) analyt (1) skill (1) dlib (1) sql (1) mad (1)
Person: Kee Siong Ng
DBLP: Ng:Kee_Siong
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- VLDB-2012-HellersteinRSWFGNWFLK #library #sql
- The MADlib Analytics Library or MAD Skills, the SQL (JMH, CR, FS, DZW, EF, AG, KSN, CW, XF, KL, AK), pp. 1700–1711.