Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
F.D.Muñoz-Escoí J.M.Bernabéu-Aubán F.Castro-Company H.Decker F.García-Neiva J.E.Peidro M.I.Ruiz-Fuertes
Talks about:
databas (4) replic (4) recoveri (2) protocol (2) lazi (2) distribut (1) platform (1) communic (1) version (1) support (1)
Person: Luis Irún-Briz
DBLP: Ir=uacute=n-Briz:Luis
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- PDP-2005-Castro-CompanyIGM #database #named #protocol
- FOBr: A Version-Based Recovery Protocol For Replicated Databases (FCC, LIB, FGN, FDME), pp. 306–313.
- PDP-2005-Castro-CompanyPRIDM #communication #database #named #performance
- CLOB: Communication Support for Efficient Replicated Database Recovery (FCC, JEP, MIRF, LIB, HD, FDME), pp. 314–321.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-Irun-BrizMB #database #distributed #lazy evaluation #protocol #replication
- The Abortion Rate of Lazy Replication Protocols for Distributed Databases (LIB, FDME, JMBA), pp. 130–135.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-Irun-BrizMDB #database #framework #lazy evaluation #named #replication
- COPLA: A Platform for Eager and Lazy Replication in Networked Databases (LIB, FDME, HD, JMBA), pp. 273–278.