Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Furtado V.Furtado M.F.d.Castro
Talks about:
user (3) system (2) social (2) post (2) emot (2) use (2) investig (1) express (1) classif (1) analysi (1)
Person: Marília Soares Mendes
DBLP: Mendes:Mar=iacute=lia_Soares
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SCSM-2015-MendesFFC #experience #social #usability #user interface
- Investigating Usability and User Experience from the User Postings in Social Systems (MSM, EF, VF, MFdC), pp. 216–228.
- SCSM-2014-MendesFFC #analysis #classification #how #social #using
- How Do Users Express Their Emotions Regarding the Social System in Use? A Classification of Their Postings by Using the Emotional Analysis of Norman (MSM, EF, VF, MFdC), pp. 229–241.