Collaborated with:
Miguel Nicolau E.G.López Anthony Brabazon Noor Shaker Georgios N. Yannakakis Julian Togelius Alexandros Agapitos Theodoros Theodoridis Diego Perez Liebana
Talks about:
use (3) grammat (2) evolut (2) differ (2) super (2) mario (2) evolv (2) bros (2) approach (1) reactiv (1)
Person: Michael O'Neill 0001
DBLP: 0001:Michael_O=Neill
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CIG-2009-LopezO #locality #on the #permutation #problem
- On the effects of locality in a permutation problem: The Sudoku Puzzle (EGL, MO0), pp. 80–87.
- CIG-2011-AgapitosOBT #learning #modelling #programming #search-based #using
- Learning environment models in car racing using stateful Genetic Programming (AA, MO0, AB, TT), pp. 219–226.
- CIG-2011-PerezNOB #game studies #navigation
- Reactiveness and navigation in computer games: Different needs, different approaches (DPL, MN, MO0, AB), pp. 273–280.
- AIIDE-2012-ShakerYTNO #evolution #personalisation #using
- Evolving Personalized Content for Super Mario Bros Using Grammatical Evolution (NS, GNY, JT, MN, MO0).
- CIG-2012-ShakerNYTO #evolution #using
- Evolving levels for Super Mario Bros using grammatical evolution (NS, MN, GNY, JT, MO0), pp. 304–311.