Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × Turkey
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Chang Z.Wu X.Deng F.Duan Y.Han L.Zhaolao X.Wang Y.Fu X.Tan Y.Yin Y.Tian W.Wang W.Xie Q.Deng
Talks about:
synthesi (3) sketch (3) face (3) represent (2) spars (2) imag (2) base (2) craniofaci (1) multivari (1) microscop (1)
Person: Mingquan Zhou
DBLP: Zhou:Mingquan
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- HCI-III-2013-YinTWDWZ #classification #image
- Classification Based on LBP and SVM for Human Embryo Microscope Images (YbY, YT, WW, FD, ZW, MZ), pp. 280–288.
- HCI-III-2013-ZhaolaoZWFT #image #semantics
- Semantic Annotation Method of Clothing Image (LZ, MZ, XW, YF, XT), pp. 289–298.
- ICPR-2012-ChangDZDW #representation #sketching #synthesis #using
- Smoothness-constrained face photo-sketch synthesis using sparse representation (LC, XD, MZ, FD, ZW), pp. 3025–3029.
- HCI-DDA-2011-ChangZDWH #multi #sketching #synthesis
- Face Sketch Synthesis via Multivariate Output Regression (LC, MZ, XD, ZW, YH), pp. 555–561.
- LSCM Based Non-rigid Registration for Craniofacial Surfaces (WX, FD, QD, MZ, ZW, LC), pp. 670–676.
- ICPR-2010-ChangZHD #representation #sketching #synthesis
- Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation (LC, MZ, YH, XD), pp. 2146–2149.