Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Roccetti G.Pau V.Ghini L.A.Muratori M.E.Bonfigli G.Casadei M.Magnani M.Battistelli S.Mirri S.Spagnoli A.Gambetti D.Melandri M.Piaggesi D.Salsi
Talks about:
servic (2) peer (2) multimedia (1) hypermedia (1) telephoni (1) wireless (1) synchron (1) structur (1) protocol (1) particip (1)
Person: Paola Salomoni
DBLP: Salomoni:Paola
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- SAC-2012-SalomoniMPM #named #protocol
- S2S: a peer to peer protocol for participative sensing (PS, LAM, GP, MM), pp. 634–635.
- SAC-2010-BattistelliMMSS #documentation
- Avoiding to dispense with accuracy: a method to make different DTDs documents comparable (MB, SM, LAM, PS, SS), pp. 862–866.
- SAC-2002-RoccettiGSGMPS #internet #on-demand
- The structuring of a wireless internet application for a music-on-demand service on UMST devices (MR, VG, PS, AG, DM, MP, DS), pp. 1066–1073.
- SAC-2001-RoccettiS #distance #education #multi
- A web-based synchronized multimedia system for distance education (MR, PS), pp. 94–98.
- SAC-2000-BonfigliCS #adaptation #hypermedia #using #xml
- Adaptive Intelligent Hypermedia using XML (MEB, GC, PS), pp. 922–926.
- SAC-2000-GhiniPS #mobile #network
- Integrating Notification Services in Computer Network and Mobile Telephony (VG, GP, PS), pp. 549–553.