Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × USA
2 × France
Collaborated with:
A.Montanari G.Puppis D.Bresolin G.Sciavicco D.D.Monica L.Bozzelli A.Molinari A.Peron
Talks about:
logic (7) interv (5) fragment (4) decid (3) halpern (2) complex (2) shoham (2) relat (2) modal (2) maxim (2)
Person: Pietro Sala
DBLP: Sala:Pietro
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- LATA-2015-BresolinMMSS #complexity #logic #on the
- On the Complexity of Fragments of the Modal Logic of Allen’s Relations over Dense Structures (DB, DDM, AM, PS, GS), pp. 511–523.
- LATA-2013-MontanariS #logic #regular expression
- Interval Logics and ωB-Regular Languages (AM, PS), pp. 431–443.
- LICS-2013-MontanariS #complexity #equivalence #logic
- Adding an Equivalence Relation to the Interval Logic ABB: Complexity and Expressiveness (AM, PS), pp. 193–202.
- LICS-2011-BresolinMSS #decidability #logic #what
- What’s Decidable about Halpern and Shoham’s Interval Logic? The Maximal Fragment ABBL (DB, AM, PS, GS), pp. 387–396.
- ICALP-v2-2010-MontanariPS #decidability #logic
- Maximal Decidable Fragments of Halpern and Shoham’s Modal Logic of Intervals (AM, GP, PS), pp. 345–356.
- CSL-2009-MontanariPS #decidability #logic
- A Decidable Spatial Logic with Cone-Shaped Cardinal Directions (AM, GP, PS), pp. 394–408.
- IJCAR-2016-BozzelliMMPS #logic #model checking
- Interval Temporal Logic Model Checking: The Border Between Good and Bad HS Fragments (LB, AM, AM, AP, PS), pp. 389–405.