Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
Talks about:
base (3) background (2) knowledg (2) attribut (2) similar (2) databas (2) concept (2) analysi (2) formal (2) constraint (1)
Person: Radim Belohlávek
DBLP: Belohl=aacute=vek:Radim
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SAC-2012-BelohlavekV #database #semantics #similarity
- Attribute implications in similarity-based databases: semantic entailment and nonredundant bases (RB, VV), pp. 840–846.
- SAC-2010-BelohlavekV #concept analysis #constraints
- Background knowledge in formal concept analysis: constraints via closure operators (RB, VV), pp. 1113–1114.
- SAC-2010-BelohlavekV10a #database #logic #query #similarity
- Query systems in similarity-based databases: logical foundations, expressive power, and completeness (RB, VV), pp. 1648–1655.
- SAC-2008-BelohlavekV #concept analysis #dependence
- Adding background knowledge to formal concept analysis via attribute dependency formulas (RB, VV), pp. 938–943.