Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × India
Collaborated with:
Talks about:
algorithm (2) episod (2) state (2) space (2) learn (2) acycl (2) task (2) effici (1) custom (1)
Person: Theologos Bountourelis
DBLP: Bountourelis:Theologos
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CASE-2009-BountourelisR #algorithm #learning
- Customized learning algorithms for episodic tasks with acyclic state spaces (TB, SR), pp. 627–634.
- CASE-2006-ReveliotisB #algorithm #learning #performance
- Efficient learning algorithms for episodic tasks with acyclic state spaces (SR, TB), pp. 411–418.