Collaborated with:
Y.L.0006 J.Xue A.Møller Y.Smaragdakis Y.Z.0001
Talks about:
analysi (3) pointer (2) context (2) sensit (2) precis (2) sequenti (1) criteria (1) automata (1) scalabl (1) program (1)
Person: Tian Tan 0001
DBLP: 0001:Tian_Tan
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2018-LiTMS #analysis #context-sensitive grammar #pointer #self
- Scalability-first pointer analysis with self-tuning context-sensitivity (YL0, TT0, AM, YS), pp. 129–140.
- ECOOP-2016-LiTZX #slicing
- Program Tailoring: Slicing by Sequential Criteria (YL0, TT0, YZ0, JX), p. 27.
- OOPSLA-2018-LiTMS #analysis #context-sensitive grammar #pointer
- Precision-guided context sensitivity for pointer analysis (YL0, TT0, AM, YS), p. 29.
- PLDI-2017-TanLX #analysis #automaton #modelling #performance #points-to #precise
- Efficient and precise points-to analysis: modeling the heap by merging equivalent automata (TT0, YL0, JX), pp. 278–291.