Collaborated with:
H.Hsieh B.Draxler N.Dudley J.F.Cremer L.Haldeman P.Likarish J.Winet
Talks about:
content (2) research (1) creation (1) librari (1) facilit (1) digit (1) build (1) citi (1) lit (1)
Person: Tien Dat Nguyen
DBLP: Nguyen:Tien_Dat
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- JCDL-2011-HsiehDDCHNLW #library #research
- Facilitating content creation and content research in building the city of lit digital library (HH, BD, ND, JFC, LH, TDN, PL, JW), pp. 145–148.