Travelled to:
1 × Korea
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
C.Hung H.Hu H.Liu L.Chen Z.Lan E.Song L.Jiang B.Meng R.Jin
Talks about:
fit (2) mammographi (1) radiograph (1) vertebra (1) strategi (1) segment (1) program (1) detect (1) cervic (1) plane (1)
Person: Xiangyang Xu
DBLP: Xu:Xiangyang
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SAC-2011-HuLCHXL #image #segmentation #using
- Image segmentation of cervical vertebra in X-ray radiographs using the curve fitting strategy (HH, HL, LC, CCH, XX, ZL), pp. 853–858.
- SAC-2007-SongJMJXH #detection #programming
- Mass edge detection in mammography based on plane fitting and dynamic programming (ES, LJ, BM, RJ, XX, CCH), pp. 80–81.