Travelled to:
1 × China
Collaborated with:
R.Wang D.Jin J.Zhang X.Hu F.Wu L.Fang M.Zhang F.Cai S.Zheng Y.Yang F.Li
Talks about:
electromyographi (1) transtibi (1) prosthesi (1) influenc (1) classifi (1) element (1) classif (1) analysi (1) surfac (1) sensor (1)
Person: Xiaohong Jia
DBLP: Jia:Xiaohong
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DHM-2007-HuWWJJZCZ #analysis #component #finite
- Finite Element Analysis of a Six-Component Force Sensor for the Trans-Femoral Prosthesis (XH, RW, FW, DJ, XJ, JZ, FC, SZ), pp. 633–639.
- DHM-2007-JiaZWFJZ #process
- The Influence of Shoe-Heel Height on Knee Muscle Activity of Transtibial Amputees During Standing (XJ, JZ, RW, LF, DJ, MZ), pp. 640–645.
- DHM-2007-WangYHWJJLZ #classification #hybrid
- A Hybrid AB-RBF Classifier for Surface Electromyography Classification (RW, YY, XH, FW, DJ, XJ, FL, JZ), pp. 727–735.