Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Japan
Collaborated with:
S.Y.Bang D.Kim S.Park E.Kim S.Paek
Talks about:
handwritten (2) unconstrain (1) construct (1) recognit (1) function (1) classifi (1) network (1) databas (1) charact (1) radial (1)
Person: Young-Sup Hwang
DBLP: Hwang:Young=Sup
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICPR-1996-HwangB #classification #network #performance #recognition
- An efficient method to construct a radial basis function neural network classifier and its application to unconstrained handwritten digit recognition (YSH, SYB), pp. 640–644.
- ICDAR-1993-KimHPKPB #database #image
- Handwritten Korean character image database PE92 (DK, YSH, STP, EJK, SHP, SYB), pp. 470–473.