Tag #papyrus
3 papers:
ECMFA-2018-ZolotasWGRKP #automation #editing #generative #towards #uml #visual notation
- Towards Automatic Generation of UML Profile Graphical Editors for Papyrus (AZ, RW, SG, HHR, DSK, RFP), pp. 12–27.
TPDL-2011-KatiforiNPITKSTTBKTV #library
- The Papyrus Digital Library: Discovering History in the News (AK, CN, MP, YEI, AT, MK, NS, VT, ET, SB, NK, CT, YV), pp. 465–468.
- Papyrus GIS Demonstration (WH, MLH, CPK, MAN, SP, DAS), pp. 554–555.