Stem angiographi$ (all stems)
5 papers:
KDIR-2011-MauleKR #approach #automation #using- Automated Approach for Whole Brain Infarction Core Delineation — Using Non-contrast and Computed Tomography Angiography (PM, JK, VR), pp. 433–437.
DHM-2007-LeeKC #3d #modelling- 3D Modeling of the Vessels from X-Ray Angiography (NYL, GYK, HIC), pp. 646–654.
ICPR-v3-2002-SuriLSL #3d #automation- Automatic Local Effect of Window/Level on 3-D Scale-Space Ellipsoidal Filtering on Run-Off-Arteries from White Blood Magnetic Resonanc Angiography (JSS, KL, SS, SL), pp. 899–902.
ICPR-v4-2000-GutierrezEVF #automation #detection- An Active Contour Model for the Automatic Detection of the Fovea in Fluorescein Angiographies (JG, IE, EdV, FJF), pp. 4312–4315.
ICPR-v4-2000-ToledoORBVMV #segmentation- Eigensnakes for Vessel Segmentation in Angiography (RT, XO, PR, XB, JV, CCM, JJV), pp. 4340–4343.