5 papers:
SIGMOD-2008-Amer-YahiaGSY #recommendation #social- From del.icio.us to x.qui.site: recommendations in social tagging sites (SAY, AG, JS, CY), pp. 1323–1326.
CSCW-2008-RaderW- Influences on tag choices in del.icio.us (EJR, RW), pp. 239–248.
TACAS-2007-WojtczakE- PReMo : An Analyzer for P robabilistic Re cursive Mo dels (DW, KE), pp. 66–71.
CSCW-2006-Lee #analysis #social #what- What goes around comes around: an analysis of del.icio.us as social space (KJL), pp. 191–194.
SEKE-1994-Dunin-KepliczJLM #development #named- CAProDel: a system for computer aided program development (BDK, JJ, WL, EMB), pp. 470–477.