5 papers:
ICEIS-v1-2013-KaddesABSA #policy- Enhancement of Generalized Earliest Deadline First Policy (MK, LA, AB, BS, MA), pp. 231–238.
LCTES-2013-BouakazT #data flow #graph #scheduling- Buffer minimization in earliest-deadline first scheduling of dataflow graphs (AB, JPT), pp. 133–142.
DLT-J-2010-FrieseSM11 #bottom-up #normalisation #transducer- Earliest Normal Form and Minimization for Bottom-up Tree Transducers (SF, HS, SM), pp. 1607–1623.
LATA-2009-GauwinNT #bound #concurrent #query- Bounded Delay and Concurrency for Earliest Query Answering (OG, JN, ST), pp. 350–361.
SAC-2009-FaggioliTC #algorithm #implementation #linux- An implementation of the earliest deadline first algorithm in Linux (DF, MT, FC), pp. 1984–1989.